Bright Ideas: special general meeting (zoom)

We would like to involve members fully in the discussion about the funding and what to do with it so please come along to the meeting. We will be looking

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Wildflower group

Via zoom (see GCF update / Biodiversity on the Field email)

Review Day

Meeting open to all members of CGF. Discuss future plans. What would you like to grow?

Field Fun

Come and join in with working on the field, whatever needs to be done, changes every week.

Winter Celebration

Meal, to be decided

Potato Lifting – CANCELLED

We are taking the opportunity of a dry period which will allow us to use the tractor and potato lifter.

Agroforestry Meeting

…to discuss autumn / winter planting and maintenance tasks

Harvest supper

details to follow

Summer BBQ

lunchtime on the field, details to follow