
Provisional Tree Planting

Tree planting sessions – We have pencilled in 12 tree planting days in February and March.  (Some might get cancelled due to weather.)  They will be from 10 to 3pm. 

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Tyring work

Tyring work

Harvesting the last of the potatoes was tyring work (I’m reliably informed). I can see why there’s a ‘No more tyres please’ notice up! [foogallery id=”793″]

Hard (standing) work

Hard (standing) work

There have been some exciting developments at the field over the last week or so: a section of the field has been dug out and hard standing put in ready

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Potato review

Potato review

The reviews are in! (Well one, anyway). Here’s what a satisfied customer had to say: ‘We ate our first Gibside potatoes last night – a white and a red as

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Garlic, Potatoes and Soil Association Inspection

Garlic, Potatoes and Soil Association Inspection

So much going on in the field today. Buckets of garlic were planted in the black plastic. A whopping 361.7kg potatoes were harvested. If you as a member have not

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Kell’s Lane Market

Kell’s Lane Market

Michelle at Kell’s Lane Market on Saturday 10th October. We’re getting out and about. Thanks to those who came and shopped with us. [foogallery id=”732″]

Corn Dollies

Corn Dollies

One of our members, Liz Beech, has been busy making these pretty corn dollies (apparently the word is a corruption of the word Idol!) with rye grown by Gibside Community

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Autumn Sun!

Autumn Sun!

6th October 2017 – beautiful autumn sun in the walled garden and leek harvesting by Lesley. I made a lovely soup from a bonus leek (savagely forked by accident) plus

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General meeting – extremely important!

We would like as many members as possible to come and discuss what running a community business is all about and where we want to go in the future.  The

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Come along and meet with other members. Bring food to share or buy the delicious pizzas from Gibside. Meet in the walled garden if dry, or in the garden hub

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