Autumn Scenes
What could be more autumnal than drying of squashes? Rachel is doing a sterling job of weighing the harvest, and there is a beautiful and bountiful supply for the veg
Planting Raindrop potatoes on 10th May 2018!
Looks a lot of fun! [foogallery id=”971″]
Early potatoes: Casablanca, Nichola, Charlotte.
Planting the early potatoes with Graham from the NE Ferguson society. Will they really grow up? [foogallery id=”936″]
Ploughing away…
After all the wet weather some of the market garden plots ploughed at last to ready them for planting. It was an outing for our new plough. One of our
Potato review
The reviews are in! (Well one, anyway). Here’s what a satisfied customer had to say: ‘We ate our first Gibside potatoes last night – a white and a red as
Garlic, Potatoes and Soil Association Inspection
So much going on in the field today. Buckets of garlic were planted in the black plastic. A whopping 361.7kg potatoes were harvested. If you as a member have not
Corn Dollies
One of our members, Liz Beech, has been busy making these pretty corn dollies (apparently the word is a corruption of the word Idol!) with rye grown by Gibside Community